Hatzichristou Dimitris
•Medical Degree, AUTh (1983)
•PhD, AUTh (1986)
•Residency Training, AUTh (1991)
•Boston University in Andrology & Sexual Medicine
•Stanford University, California (Prostate Diseases)
He graduated from the Medical School of AUTh. He trained for 3 years in the USA (Boston & Stanford Universities). In 1995, he organized the Founding Congress of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM), and served as ESSM Secretary General (1995-1997) and ESSM President (2001-2004). In 1998, he founded the Sexual and Reproductive Health Center (SRHC) at AUTh, as the Hellenic Seat of the European Sexual Dysfunctions Alliance (ESDA), and served as the President of ESDA. From 2005 to 2010, he was a Member of the Board of the European Academy for Sexual Medicine (EASM), which in collaboration with UEMS and EBU set the foundations for the establishment of Sexual Medicine as a subspecialty. He is a Founding Member of the Department of Andrology of EAU (ESAU). From 2001 to 2005, he was a Member of the EAU Guidelines Panel. He has been an Editorial Board Member of “Journal of Sexual Medicine”, “International Journal of Impotence Research”, “International Journal for Sexual Health”, “Urologia Internationalis”, and a Reviewer in 26 international journals. He has a strong scientific activity as a Speaker/ Trainer in Greece and abroad (more than 150 speeches in International Conferences), and has been honored with 8 Awards (4 international and 4 Greek). He has authored 120 articles in foreign-language journals (h factor=48, with more than 14.000 citations) and 28 chapters in international books. He was twice the Guest Editor of special issues (supplements) of international journals. In 2011, he founded the Institute for the Study of Urological Diseases (ISUD) and is the ISUD President.