Makarounis Kostas
Medical Degree, Marquette University, Italy (2003)
Residency Training in Urology, Ippokrateio Hospital, Athens (2013)
PhD Candidate, University of Athens
Cornel Medical Center of Male Infertility, New York (Μicrosurgery, Infertility and Andrology - 2014)
University Hospital Tenon PARIS, France (Εndourology, Lithiasis - 2015)
He served as a Reserve Officer of the Hellenic Army Medical Corps where he trained in Emergency Medicine ALS-D at the 251 Αirforce General Hospital, and remained for 9 months at the 2nd Surgery Department (2004-2005). In 2008 he trained in Laboratory Andrology and Basic Semen Analysis - under the auspices of the Hellenic Andrology Society and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. During his Residency Training in Urology at the Ippokrateio General Hospital of Athens, he was for 3 years in charge of the Andrology Clinic in cooperation with the Sexual Health Unit of the 1st University Cardiology Department and the Urology Department. He pursued his Fellowship in Microsurgery and received certification after taking exams at the Weill Cornel Medical Center of Male Infertility in New York. In 2013-2014, he participated in the Research Program "Study of the Peroxidation Process as a Mechanism of Deterioration of Sperm Functionality in relation to the presence of Inflammation or Intracellular Infection". He trained in Immunology and Microbiology of Reproduction & Infertility at the ‘Locus Medicus’ Medical Diagnostic Center under the supervision of Dr. Tsilivakos, and was a Member of the Research Team that developed the “Innovative Method for the Detection of Intracellular Microorganisms in Sperm Cells to Protect the Embryo and Fetus against Infections and Antigens" that was declared twice among the 10 Best Innovative Methods in Greece for 2013. He was a Member of the Research Team of the European Clinical Trial FDC115116 of GSK "Effect of Dutasteride on Sexual Health" conducted at the Ippokrateio Hospital in Athens.
He participated in European & American Urology and Andrology Conferences with Oral Presentations and posters. After passing European examinations, he received the titles of Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU) in 2014, and Fellow of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (FECSM) in 2016. He has been an Invited Speaker, Trainer and Chairman at various Meetings of the Hellenic Urological Association, and in a number of Hellenic Urology, Andrology and Oncology Conferences. He received the Award for the 3rd Best Oral Presentation at the 22nd Panhellenic Urology Congress 2014 with the title "USE OF DΝase I AS A TREATMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY OF SPERM CELLS CHARACTERIZED WITH HYPERVISCOSITY". He received the Urotour 2015 Scholarship from the Institute for the Study of Urological Diseases (ISUD) in December 2014 to receive further training at the European Center for Excellence (University Hospital and Ragueil - Toulouse (France) under the supervision of Professor Rischmann.
Finally, he trained in Endourology and the Treatment of Lithiasis at the University Hospital Tenon PARIS in France under the supervision of Professor Traxer.
Fields of interest:
Male infertility - Sexual Dysfunction - Prostatic Diseases - Urinary Lithiasis